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Ready to deliver healthcare construction projects related to COVID-19 crisis

March 17, 2020


As our regional health systems prepare to meet the high demands of patient visits due to COVID-19, we wanted to update you on the steps we have taken to be of service to you to deliver pre-manufactured healthcare solutions quickly.  


Our healthcare team has been removed from all non-critical projects and are ready to support any vital projects that arise during this crisis.   With our cloud-based business systems, recent conversion to VoIP and the Zoom video conferencing platform, all our employees are set up to work from home starting today. We are all seamlessly connected and ready to virtually work with your team to expedite the design, estimating and approval process.   


We are working closely with DIRTT to communicate the needs of any emergent projects and expedite the order entry and manufacturing process. DIRTT’s standard production lead times are 2-3 weeks and wherever possible we are looking for ways to speed this up.   


We are taking steps to reserve and pre-order non DIRTT materials such as med gas outlets for copper piped solutions. DIRTT’s flex gas system is readily available and stocked at all their factories.  


Please let us know if you have an emergent project that we can assist with - our ForBuild team is here to help.  


We are grateful to the healthcare workers and first responders that are working tirelessly to treat the growing number of cases and to help contain this Coronavirus. We will do our part and take every precautionary measure possible.



Chris Perruna 

VP of Construction Solutions



Rita Lemley 

Manufactured Construction Specialist



Dirtt Resources

Rapid prefab construction for emergency response

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